Scientific Research

《National High-level Think Tank Book Series of Reports (8 Books)》

Date:2024-05-14 10:57


This series of achievements aims to create important academic works for think tanks to serve the development of the Party and the country through annual monitoring, continuous analysis and follow-up research on major practical issues, including: " A Report on China's Administrative System (2023) ", " "Report on the Reform of China's Social System (2023)", ""Report on the High-quality Development of China's Economy (2023) - Practicing the Concept of Innovative Development","Report on the Development of China's E-Government (2023)", "Report on the Construction of China's Digital Government (2023)", "Report on the Development of China's Emergency Management (2023)", " Research Report on High-quality Development and Governance of the Yellow River Basin (2023) - Building a Modern Industrial System" and "Research Report on China's Common Prosperity (2023) - High-quality Economic Development is the Foundation of Common Prosperity". Since 2020, the book has been funded and published by the Party School of the Central Committee of the CPC (a national high-level think tank). It has won many awards among the books of its kind, reflecting high academic value and social benefits.